Friday 11 December 2009

1st week of the presentations...

I have just attended our second to last lecture of this module. This was the start of the presentations on an article from our wiki's. We only had chance to see 4 out of the 10 groups do a presentation as they were all quite long.
I thought the presentations were really good. The speakers seemed to fully understand their articles and they gave clear summaries. However I felt that some could have been a bit shorter however I guess this would be hard to achieve as all the papers have huge amounts of information in them! I found some of the presentations really interesting, like the one about the fact that people who's body's are less symmetrical have to make more of an effort in life because they are seen as being less attractive!
I’m glad I got to see some other groups perform before we do ours, as I can see what the presentations were like from the audiences’ point of view. I think it’s important that our presentation is concise and as clear as possible. I think the key is to find a balance between makings as much of the article as clear as possible while making it short and snappy.
Next Friday we will be presenting our paper on jury decision making. We have divided it up into 5 equal parts and I will be talking about the findings from the first experiment. In brief these are; that the 3 different methods used to measure peoples interpretation of what reasonable doubt is (Reasonable doubt is really just, how sure a juror has to be that a suspect is guilty in order to convict them), did not show any correlation, i.e. they each showed that people came up with different interpretations of reasonable doubt. Secondly, it was found that all methods were reasonably valid as they all predicted participants verdicts above chance level. Lastly, it was found that interpretations of reasonable doubt vary a lot from person to person. These findings show that jurors may not be as consistent as first thought and should have an effect on future research.
All I need to do now is make the power point slides and i think our group will be meeting up during next week to go over our presentation so its ready for Friday.

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