Wednesday 13 January 2010

Overall Thoughts...

Now Christmas is over and I am getting back into the swing of doing uni work..
I have no more judgement lectures, and after reflecting on the module I am really glad I chose it. There was a lot of work to do but it was okay because I felt like I new exactly what I had to do to get a good mark, unlike some modules that I think give a very vague idea of what must be done to get a decent mark! This, together with the fact that I found most of the reading quite interesting, meant I did enjoy the module.
At the beginning of the semester I thought I'd really struggle with all the technical parts, as a lot of the work was done through the internet and Google. I surprised myself in that I found it rather easy to create a blog and set up wiki pages. I think this skill will be useful for when I leave uni as the world of work relies heavily on e-mails, research and often blogs.
A second skill I have improved on is my presentation skills. I found doing the presentations quite stressful but I am really glad I have got more experience of giving them now! I also felt slightly less anxious about doing them because I was in a group. Looking back I think my group worked quite well together. Our last presentation flowed from person to person, and we communicated well when creating the slides.
Our final wiki is now done. I finished my part before Christmas because I thought if we get it done early then we could make sure it all made sense and flowed. I shared an article with one of the members of my group, we decided we would write about half of the paper each, this worked well as we both finished it early we had time to make sure nothing was repeated in the second half.
I have enjoyed writing this blog as it has really helped me to reflect on what I have done in lesson. Sometimes I can do some reading for a seminar, and when the seminar is done, I never think about what I have learnt again! I am now revising for my exams and i have to say I'm glad to have got one module out the way! :-)